Grammarly for Android

Write clearly, confidently, and mistake-free
in all your mobile apps.
Grammarly corrects your grammar on mobile

Polished Writing at Your Fingertips

Clean up your texts

Quickly catch and fix grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes with Grammarly’s real-time suggestions.
Grammarly helps you check your verb forms
Grammarly detects your tone on mobile.

Check your tone

Strike the right tone in your message, whether 
personal or professional.

Rewriting made easy

Grammarly's generative AI finds ways to make your writing shine—and gives you new versions to consider.
Grammarly helps make your tone professional for a post about a new job
An example of Grammarly on mobile

Works with your 

favorite keyboard

You’ll never have to switch keyboards when you need help writing that important email, text, or social post.

I think this is a great app for learners; it not only augments our writing but also helps us improve as a writer; it is such an enriching experience. One can achieve fluency in a language only through regular practice and Grammarly strives to reinforce that endeavor.

Jeevanshu Dhawan
Google Play Store reviewer

Works Where You Write

Whether you're writing a paper or discussing materials online, Grammarly is here to help you show up with confidence.
Google Messages
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Word

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install and use Grammarly on my Android device?

Download Grammarly for Android from the Google Play Store and follow the installation prompts. If you need additional help, check out our support article.

Where does Grammarly work on my device?

Grammarly works where you write on your device—across apps you commonly use, including Gmail, Outlook, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Is my data secure on Grammarly for Android?

We take your privacy and security extremely seriously. Read about what we do to keep your information safe.

Write with Confidence